Processing a business or industry opening license

At Asesoría Pérez & Porras we’ll help you to carry out all of the bureaucratic procedures and certificates necessary to process  your opening license. Some of these procedures are listed as follows:

  • Certificate of persistence of safety regulatory compliance for establishment ownership transfers,
  • safety or implementation of innocuous activities certificates (clothes, jewellery, shoe and accessory shops, hairdressers and beauticians…),
  • environmental qualification projects for qualified activities according to Annex I of Spanish Law 7/2007 of the Junta de Andalucía, (catering establishments with or without music, with or without a kitchen, clubs, food takeaway establishments, gyms, vehicle repair shops…).
  • Projects and graphic material for work permits regarding the adaptation of premises.
  • Projects relating to all kinds of installations for commercial premises or industrial warehouses (electricity, indoor water installation, sanitation, air conditioning, solar energy, gas, fire protection…).